Dear Sir,
Your cell phone is not reachable, I have forwarded the new
inquiry to your email,
Please find attached below for your reference in case you miss it
and send me final price and invoice so that we can make payment
Also inform us about the time of delivery.
Thanks. i wait your urgent reply.
Yatem Miles Corporation PTY
Best regards,
Mark Miles
Mr Khalid Berrada (CEO)
Tel: 011 4001845 Ext. 4011
Mobile: 0509583999
Obtenga Dinero en le Acto
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Descuento de cheques personales, ECHEQs, a titulares de cuentas corrientes y cheques de terceros.
Aprobación telefónica inmediata.
Reciba el dinero en el dia en su domicilio.
Absoluta confidencialidad.
Conozca las caracteristicas de nuestra propuestas a:
empresas, comercios, particulares.
profesionales y monotributistas.
Informe desfavorable en veraz y BCRA no es impedimento para su otorgamiento.
Planes a medida.
su consulta no molesta 0800-999-8084
Desde tu telefono consultanos directamente por 11-5949-6944
Para remover su dirección de esta lista haga <a href="…">click aquí</a>
My name is Evan from Ukraine.I have tried to reach you but find
it difficult due to internet scarcity here in this town.
I am contacting you because I want to flee Ukraine and come over
to you country,I have some funds I plan to invest in your country
because I want to relocate my Late Father business due to ongoing
war in my country Ukraine and visit your country to set up new
investment business you may advice profitable in your area.
I also have some millions of dollars i want to invest and 995kg
of 24carat gold I want to ship to your country and establish gold
jewelry manufacturing company.
I will offer you good monetary rewards for your help,due to how
russian drone boambards this town frequently,phone network is
disrupted because of attacks on network installations,please for
fast discussion, you can add me on whats up and let's talk,this
is my whatsapp number below
Thanking you as i wait to hear from you soon so i can tell you
more details.
God bless you for your care.