**Зарабатывайте и экономьте на мясе и говядине**
1] Это относится к вашему представлению в Интернете.
2] Мы представляем себя как агенты по закупкам вареной, охлажденной и замороженной говядины высшего качества со скотобоен международных стандартов.
3] Пожалуйста, сообщите подробную информацию о ваших оптовых потребностях в говядине и мясе.
4] С нетерпением жду вашего любезного ответа, чтобы добиться прогресса в этом вопросе.
Kashif Waheed
SN Foods
20-Saeed Colony Nr. 1
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Cell/**WhatsApp**: +923300347031
E-Mail: snfoodssn(a)gmail.com
**Make & Save Money In Meat And Beef**
1] This is with reference to your introduction on the internet
2] We introduce ourselves as buying agents for top quality boiled, chilled and frozen beef from international standard slaughterhouses
3] Please inform the details of your bulk requirements of beef and meat
4] Looking forward to your kind reply to make progress on this matter
Kashif Waheed
SN Foods
20-Saeed Colony Nr. 1
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Cell/**WhatsApp**: +923300347031
E-Mail: snfoodssn(a)gmail.com
[Click here to unsubscribe](https://blc63.r.ag.d.sendibm3.com/mk/un/sh/SMJz09a0vkbXqsxTzBv…
Good day,
I'm glad we can connect here, I'm Philip Roger, a research
assistant of the research and development department working with
med pharmaceutical laboratories UK, One of the leading bio
pharmaceutical companies here in England.I am looking for a
reliable businessman/individual in your region to represent my
company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the
manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer
treatment and other life saving Pharmaceutical Products.
This may not be your area of specialization but it will be
another income generating business within your capacity.This is
because our company is yet to locate any seller to buy from,
however, I have been able to discover a local dealer/producer who
can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate,
which is far more cheaper than our previous purchases.
Now THIS IS MY PROPOSAL TO YO: I want you to stand in as a new
local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our
company. The reason for this is because I don't want my company
to have direct contact with the local agent that sells this
herbal oil extract very cheap.
This will enable us to work together as partners and make real
cool profits. You as the local seller will supply to our company
at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are in
agreement and this will attract the attention of our company
director who would love to purchase from you as against the
previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit. Hence i
will give you more specific profit details when I receive
feedback from you if you are interested.
Philip Roger
Executive Administrator.
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