I hope you are well and high in spirit? Before I continue, let me humbly apologize for coming into your space unsolicited. Nonetheless, I take solace in the fact that it is with the best intention and for our mutual benefit.
I chose you among other contacts that I came across in my search for someone who can partner with me in investment venture. It took a great deal of brain storming for me to arrive at this decision owing to my present predicament, which I will explain to you in my follow up email. I hope that my contact with you will be private, confidential and fruitful.
Presently I am totally indisposed to carry out financial transactions due to restrictions relating to the suspicious death of my husband, Ivan Pechorin who was totally against the Ukraine war. Before long it would be discovered that President Vladimir Putin murdered my husband. My strongest desire is to partner with you in investing my family money domiciled outside the shores of Russia with you as my fund manager. I have no problem investing this money in your country if it offers investment friendly conditions.
It will be an absolute pleasure, if you would have the wherewithal to handle this project to my satisfaction. Every detail concerning this project would be laid bare to you upon indication of your interest.
Please strictly respond to pechorinanna(a)gmail.com
Best regards
Anna Pechorin.
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Votre Conseiller
Dear Sir Or mada
I'm Mr. Wang(General manager of China BIG Technology (Group) Co.,LTD).We are glad to learn that you are interested in Cooperating with us.My Mobile :+8617729618850;+86 17353110804 (Whatsapp/Wechat);
We are an automotive manufacturer and investor from China and an executor of the Chinese government's One Belt One Road strategy. To promote industrialization in Africa. The Chinese government's non-development fund launched $10 billion in equity investments. Africa looking for industrial manufacturing projects. Our mission is to invest exclusively in overseas automotive assembly plant projects. Our investments include capital and automotive manufacturing technology, brands, critical equipment, automotive parts packages and secured loan support.
We have specific requirements for joint venture partners:
1, the workshop area of the factory is more than 5000-8000 square meters, the land area is more than 15000-25000 square meters.
2, cash: there is a certain economic strength, investment capacity must be more than $2 million. (excluding land value),
3. Market channels: automobile sales channels (sales network);
4. The difference between the import duty on whole vehicles and the import duty on spare parts in your country is greater than 25%.
Cooperation mode with us:joint venture cooperation technical cooperation, turnkey cooperation mode,Our plants Products include:EV Taxi Car,Buses Series,Haise Ven,Pickup/SUV,Trucks Series,If you wish to know more message, please you inform us !
Thanks and regards. !
Note Reply Email To: 574324829(a)qq.com; admin(a)auto-assemblyplants.com
Mr.Weilin Wang(General manager)China Big S&T DEV(Group) Co.,Ltd; Suda EV manufacture Co.,Ltd; China-africa Development Fund;
http://www.auto-assemblyplants.com ; Mobile:+86-18084013166 ;Mobile2: +86 15310876939(Whatsapp or Wechat); Skype:W.L.Wang66; QQ.574324829;