Breaking: Tinnitus Wipes 1% Of Your Memories Every Month



Far from being a harmless nuisance, tinnitus has been linked to memory loss, hearing loss and dementia…


But did you know it actually physically wipes 1% of your memories every month, attacking the brain in the most violent way?


Forcing it to endure that constant ringing leads to the widespread death of your neurons, most of which are located in key areas of your brain, such as your hippocampus.


That’s the part of your brain that’s tasked with forming and storing episodic memories. 

Without it, you will be unable to create new memories with your family or friends.





>> Click Here To Find Out How To Save Your Brain And Your Memories Today!






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It took him a while to realize that everything he decided not to change, he was actually choosing.I’m working on a sweet potato farm.For the 216th time, he said he would quit drinking soda after this last Coke.They did nothing as the raccoon attacked the lady’s bag of food.I'd rather be a bird than a fish.After fighting the alligator, Brian still had to face the anaconda.The bees decided to have a mutiny against their queen.25 years later, she still regretted that specific moment.I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert.He wondered if she would appreciate his toenail collection.She was too busy always talking about what she wanted to do to actually do any of it.I hear that Nancy is very pretty.The ice-cream trucks bring back bad memories for of us.Behind the window was a reflection that instilled fear.Doris enjoyed tapping her nails on the table to annoy everyone.He is no James Bond; his is Roger Moore.Lightning Paradise was the local hangout joint where the group usually ended up spending the night.At that moment he wasn't listening to music, he was living an experience.The beach was crowded with snow leopards.Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.To the surprise of everyone, the Rapture happened yesterday but it didn't quite go as expected.Everything was going so well until I was accosted by a purple giraffe.He created a pig burger out of beef.The bug was having an excellent day until he hit the windshield.Smoky the Bear secretly started the fires.The family’s excitement over going to Disneyland was crazier than she anticipated.She learned that water bottles are no longer just to hold liquid, but they're also status symbols.Edith could decide if she should paint her teeth or brush her nails.I met an interesting turtle while the song on the radio blasted away.Don't put peanut butter on the dog's nose.

I was fishing for compliments and accidentally caught a trout.It was a slippery slope and he was willing to slide the way to the deepest depths.Three years later, the coffin was still full of Jello.He walked into the basement with the horror movie from the night before playing in his head.Although it wasn't a pot of , Nancy was still enthralled at what she found at the end of the rainbow.The fact that there's a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell explains well.He dreamed of eating green apples with worms.Lucifer was surprised at the amount of at Death Valley.Red is greener than purple, for sure.She was made the society president because she can whistle with her toes.It was difficult for Mary to admit that most of her workout consisted of exercising poor judgment.The Guinea fowl flies through the air with the grace of a turtle.Iron pyrite is the most foolish of minerals.The elderly neighborhood became enraged over the coyotes who had been blamed for the poodle’s disappearance.He didn't understand why the bird wanted to ride the bicycle.She was sad to hear that fireflies are facing extinction due to artificial light, habitat loss, and pesticides.Being unacquainted with the chief raccoon was harming his prospects for promotion.Mothers spend months of their lives waiting on their children.Whenever he saw a red flag warning at the beach he grabbed his surfboard.She is happy until she finds something to be unhappy about; then, she is overjoyed.For the 216th time, he said he would quit drinking soda after this last Coke.It was getting dark, and we weren’t there yet.He had a wall full of masks so she could wear a different face every day.Jerry liked to look at paintings while eating garlic ice cream.The tattered work gloves speak of the many hours of hard labor he endured throughout his .He is good at eating pickles and telling women about his emotional problems.I liked their first two albums but changed my mind after that charity gig.The bullet pierced the window shattering it before missing Danny's head by mere millimeters.The changing of down comforters to cotton bedspreads always meant the squirrels had returned.I’m a living furnace.