Dear truist Client
An update on your Online Banking profile
This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly to this email.
Account Ownership Verification Process.

Your account requires verifying some information

This is your last chance to confirm your identity before we suspend it. Follow steps to confirm your account ownership.

Please Click Here to complete a one-time verification process.

 This is a global update, as we need to verifying all Truist customers information to protect you from identity theft.

Need additional assistance with mobile or online banking? Visit help & support from the more menu in online banking or the mobile app or call us at 888-228-6654. You can also make changes to your alerts preferences at any time in online banking or the app. If you found this email in your spam or junk, add to your safe senders list.

Truist Client Commitment: Protecting your information and identity is our priority. Truist will never send unsolicited emails asking clients to provide, update or verify their personal or account information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs), credit or debit card numbers, or other confidential information. If you believe your account security has been compromised or have any concerns, call us immediately at 844-4TRUIST (844-487-8478). Learn more about security at or privacy at

Truist Bank, Member FDIC. ©2023 Truist Financial Corporation. Truist, SunTrust, BB&T, Truist Purple, and the Truist logo are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation.