You're unsure whether or not to trust him, but very thankful that you wore a turtle neck.He found rain fascinating yet unpleasant.I really want to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.There's probably enough glass in my cupboard to build an undersea aquarium.The beach was crowded with snow leopards.He always wore his sunglasses at night.The part of marriage is animal crackers with peanut butter.She always had an interesting perspective on why the world must be flat.She insisted that cleaning out your closet was the key to good driving.I had a in high school named Rick Shaw, but he was fairly useless as a mode of transport.Every manager should be able to recite at least ten nursery rhymes backward.When confronted with a rotary dial the teenager was perplexed.She did not cheat on the test, for it was not the right thing to do.The truth is that you pay for your lifestyle in hours.We're careful about orange ping pong balls because people might think they're fruit.He is no James Bond; his is Roger Moore.When I cook spaghetti, I like to boil it a few minutes past al dente so the noodles are super slippery.Sarah ran from the serial killer holding a jug of milk.He took one look at what was under the table and noped the hell out of there.Weather is not trivial - it's especially important when you're standing in it.He decided to fake his disappearance to jail.The busker hoped that the people passing by would throw mone y, but they threw tomatoes instead, so he exchanged his hat for a juicer.Written warnings in instruction manuals are worthless since rabbits can't read.Giving directions that the mountains are to the west works when you can see them.While on the first date he accidentally hit his head on the beam.It was her first experience training a rainbow unicorn.They finished building the road they knew no one would ever use.back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.He dreamed of eating green apples with worms.I cheated while playing the darts tournament by using a longbow.