Sleep easy at night knowing that your car is exactly where you left it with this simple and effective Tracking Technology


It only takes a few scaremongers to have us thinking twice about where we park or how long we leave our vehicles unattended for. With space becoming more and more competitive in the housing market, more people than ever before now have to leave their vehicles parked on the road, sometimes well out of sight or even around corners. Until now, there hasn’t been much that we can do to protect our vehicles, except pay for our insurance and cross our fingers.


Finally, there is a product on the market which can put even the most worried minds at ease. Forget clunky steering wheel locks or costly gated drives. This affordable, accessible and easy-to-use device will let you rest easy knowing that you’ve done all you can to protect your car. This device is tiny but extremely powerful. Just plugging it into your vehicle’s diagnostic report will change the way in which you think about the security of your car.

What makes this iTrack so special?


The main advantages of iTrack are its portability, price, and ease of use. iTrack is hardly bigger than a usb key. Combined with its simplicity to setup, you got the world’s most efficient GPS Tracker. It will fit and follow every car without you thinking about it!



The really exciting thing about this tracker is that it is just so convenient. All of the information and alerts are centralised in an app on your phone, so you’ll never have to go out of your way to check up on your car.




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Vehicle GPS Tracker Media, Eighth 3, Chandler, Arizona, 91644

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