So this really sort of threw that question out there, what does this actually mean in terms of work practices for businesses? Should people see this as paid time or unpaid time? Answering that question is complicated, says Jain, because many of those interviewed interspersed work with personal tasks like browsing the web, checking social media or replying to personal messages Even very small, imperfect carbon allowance schemes have surprisingly powerful results Finding local solutions is especially pressing given the rate at which the Arctic is experiencing climate change Rural populations are also likely to be penalised, as there are fewer options for getting around besides cars There are now hopes that fog catching could be a way of providing reliable supplies of water to parched communities and settlements all over the world where the right mix of geography and climate can be found The German Coradia iLint was the world's first hydrogen powered locomotive (Credit: Getty Images) But hydrogen trains come with their own challenges From direct collision deaths to displacement from feeding or nesting areas, to habitat degradation or loss, wind farms can have negative impacts on biodiversity, with birds and bats being particularly affected Even in developed countries, SMRs might provide the ability to generate electricity in new places Purnomo cites a story of farmers who had worked hard to clear the land manually, and planted it with gaharu (agarwood) The book also looks at the achievements in space since the height of the Cold War (Credit: London Stereoscopic Company) No story about the race to the Moon is complete without mentioning the day that humanity first placed a foot on the lunar surface An Ariane 5 recently carried the giant BepiColombo spacecraft on the first stage of its long journey to Mercury Because objects, including the fluids in the body, tend to rise in low gravity, guests should prepare for some unflatteringly moonfaced selfies, with the added bonus of nausea as the stomach adjusts to weightlessness If this is the case, each layer could, in theory, host different lifeforms adapted to local conditions at that depth Yet we know that astronauts report seeing Earth from space is one of the best things about their trips Arranged in a ring around the upper section of the rocket, it was unaffected by the double lightning strike (Learn 50 fascinating facts about the Apollo missions to the Moon There had to be a better way to organise work time, he thought We all cyberloaf – and the science says that it can make us more productive at work Companies are only disciplined if an employee complains that their rest periods are being intentionally interrupted In a recent paper, he and co authors described how employers might be at their most competitive when they hire employees who can both fit in well, which is good for efficiency, but who also have the capacity to challenge norms in the working environment and adjust to changed circumstances when necessary It acts as a speed ramp into the meditation practice, helping to calm the mind quicker so that you get more bang for your buck while meditating, explains Richie Bostock, a breathwork coach based in London whose book, Exhale, will be published later this year In January, the Swiss government changed its rules so that its 40,000 employees simply need sign off from their manager to do the same Although he hasn’t yet published the research, the early analyses suggest the intervention had the desired effects on students’ enjoyment and their performance