He found rain fascinating yet unpleasant.She couldn't decide of the glass was half empty or half full so she drank it.They desperately needed another drummer since the current one knew how to play bongos.The teens wondered what was kept in the red shed on the far edge of the school grounds.While on the first date he accidentally hit his head on the beam.When he encountered maize for the first time, he thought it incredibly corny.The bees decided to have a mutiny against their queen.Iron pyrite is the most foolish of minerals.It's comforting to know that your fate depends on something as unpredictable as the popping of corn.He wondered if she would appreciate his toenail collection.It was the first time he had ever seen someone cook dinner on an elephant.I hear that Nancy is very pretty.She looked at the masterpiece hanging in the museum but she could think is that her five-year-old could do better.I’m working on a sweet potato farm.It was the first time he had ever seen someone cook dinner on an elephant.She did her best to help him.He loved eating his bananas in hot dog buns.He was the of the club who didn't like plum pudding.Garlic ice-cream was her favorite.Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.To the surprise of everyone, the Rapture happened yesterday but it didn't quite go as expected.He decided to live his lifeby the big beats manifesto.Doris enjoyed tapping her nails on the table to annoy everyone.The part of marriage is animal crackers with peanut butter.Smoky the Bear secretly started the fires.You can't apples and oranges, but what about bananas and plantains?It doesn't sound like that will ever be on my travel list.He decided that the time had come to be stronger than any of the excuses he'd used until then.Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind.It had been sixteen days since the zombies first attacked.
I was fishing for compliments and accidentally caught a trout.As you consider the possible ways to improve yourself and the world, you notice John Travolta seems fairly unhappy.The swirled lollipop had issues with the pop rock candy.Someone I know recently combined Maple Syrup & buttered Popcorn thinking it would taste like caramel popcorn. It didn’t and they don’t recommend anyone else do it either.He decided to live his lifeby the big beats manifesto.Hang on, my kittens are scratching at the bathtub and they'll upset by the lack of biscuits.Going from child, to childish, to childlike is a matter of time.Lucifer was surprised at the amount of at Death Valley.Red is greener than purple, for sure.As he dangled from the rope deep inside the crevasseNancy thought the way to create a welcoming was to line it with barbed wire.Thigh-high in the water, the fisherman’s hope for dinner turned to despair.Iron pyrite is the most foolish of minerals.Your girlfriend bought your favorite cookie crisp cereal but forgot to milk.He didn't understand why the bird wanted to ride the bicycle.She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it.The reservoir water level continued to lower while we enjoyed our long shower.I want a giraffe, but I'm a turtle eating waffles.Nothing is as cautiously cuddly as a pet porcupine.Green should have smelled more tranquil, but somehow it just tasted rotten.As he waited for the shower to warm, he noticed that he could hear water change temperature.He had a wall full of masks so she could wear a different face every day.He was surprised that his immense laziness was inspirational to others.Nobody questions who built the pyramids in Mexico.Strawberries must be the one food that doesn't go well with this brand of paint.The thunderous roar of the jet overhead confirmed her worst fears.I liked their first two albums but changed my mind after that charity gig.It's not possible to convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising it infinite bananas when they die.It was always dangerous to drive with him since he insisted the safety cones were a slalom course.I’m a living furnace.