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I was fishing for compliments and accidentally caught a trout.Nothing seemed out of place except the washing machine in the bar.The tears of a clown make my lipstick run, but my shower cap is still intact.While on the first date he accidentally hit his head on the beam.She folded her handkerchief neatly.Hang on, my kittens are scratching at the bathtub and they'll upset by the lack of biscuits.Strawberries must be the one food that doesn't go well with this brand of paint.He fumbled in the darkness looking for the light switch, but when he finally found it there was someone already there.The complicated school homework left the parents trying to help their kids quite confused.There was no ice cream in the freezer, nor did they have to go to the store.It was difficult for Mary to admit that most of her workout consisted of exercising poor judgment.The fence was confused about whether it was supposed to keep things in or keep things out.She learned that water bottles are no longer just to hold liquid, but they're also status symbols.As he looked out the window, he saw a clown walk by.The white water rafting trip was suddenly halted by the unexpected brick wall.She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it.Nancy was proud that she ran a tight shipwreck.Various sea birds are elegant, but nothing is as elegant as a gliding pelican.Whenever he saw a red flag warning at the beach he grabbed his surfboard.The two walked down the slot canyon oblivious to the sound of thunder in the distance.put on these earmuffs because I can't you hear.Pat ordered a ghost pepper pie.Patricia found the meaning of in a bowl of Cheerios.Jerry liked to look at paintings while eating garlic ice cream.The tattered work gloves speak of the many hours of hard labor he endured throughout his .It turns out you don't need that stuff you insisted you did.At that moment he wasn't listening to music, he was living an experience.He picked up trash in his spare time to dump in his neighbor's yard.The changing of down comforters to cotton bedspreads always meant the squirrels had returned.He was surprised that his immense laziness was inspirational to others.