He played the game as if his depended on it and the truth was that it did.She always speaks to him in a loud voice.She learned that water bottles are no longer just to hold liquid, but they're also status symbols.He swore he just saw his sushi move.Too many prisons have become early coffins.If any cop asks you where you were, just say you were visiting Kansas.He didn’t want to go to the dentist, yet he went anyway.Acres of almond trees lined the interstate highway which complimented the crazy driving nuts.The truth is that you pay for your lifestyle in hours.I can't believe this is the eighth time I'm smashing my piggy on the same day!He decided to count al the sand on the beach as a hobby.The shark-infested South Pine channel was the way in or out.The llama couldn't resist trying the lemonade.He went back to the video to see what had been recorded and was shocked at what he saw.The murder hornet was disappointed by the preconceived ideas people had of him.Mr. Montoya knows the way to the bakery even though he's been there.Choosing to do nothing is still a choice, after .She did a happy dance because of the socks from the dryer matched.I caught my squirrel rustling through my gym bag.He learned the important lesson that a picnic at the beach on a windy day is a bad idea.Two seats were vacant.The irony of the situation wasn't lost on anyone in the room.When transplanting seedlings, candied teapots will make the task easier.It was getting dark, and we weren’t there yet.It's comforting to know that your fate depends on something as unpredictable as the popping of corn.The toddler’s endless tantrum caused the entire plane anxiety.There's no reason a hula hoop can't also be a circus ring.Separation anxiety is what happens when you can't find your .My uncle's favorite pastime was building cars out of noodles.The fish dreamed of escaping the fishbowl and into the toilet where he saw his go.