As you consider the possible ways to improve yourself and the world, you notice John Travolta seems fairly unhappy.Toddlers feeding raccoons surprised even the seasoned park ranger.The stench from the feedlot permeated the car despite having the air conditioning on recycled air.The complicated school homework left the parents trying to help their kids quite confused.his seven-layer cake onl had six layers.Dolores wouldn't have eaten the meal if she had known what it actually was.A suit of armor provides excellent sun protection on hot days.She was disgusted he couldn’t tell the difference between lemonade and limeade.He ran out of , so he had to playing poker.Before he moved to the inner city, he had always believed that security complexes were psychological.The memory we used to share is no longer coherent.After coating myself in vegetable oil I found my sucess rte skyrocketed.Her scream silenced the rowdy teenagers.Blue sounded too cold at the time and yet it seemed to work for gin.She hadn't had her cup of coffee, and that made things the worse.The overpass went under the highway and into a secret world.At that moment I was the most fearsome weasel in the entire swamp.David subscribes to the "stuff your tent into the bag" strategy over nicely folding it.I often see the time 11:11 or 12:34 on clocks.Situps are a terrible way to end your day.People keep telling me "orange" but I still prefer "pink".She was the type of girl who wanted to live in a pink house.The secret code they created made no sense, even to them.Fluffy pink unicorns are a popular status symbol among macho men.It was obvious she was hot, sweaty, and tired.The underground bunker was filled with chips and candy.I'm worried by the fact that my daughter looks to the local carpet seller as a role model.Facing his greatest fear, he ate his first marshmallow.If my calculator had a history, it would be more embarrassing than my browser history.A song can make or ruin a person’s day if they let it to them.
The lyrics of the song sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard.That must be the tenth time I've been arrested for selling deep-fried cigars.We have young kids who often walk into our room at night for various reasons including clowns in the closet.This made him feel like an old-style rootbeer float smells.The bug was having an excellent day until he hit the windshield.Barking dogs and screaming toddlers have the unique ability to turn friendly neighbors into cranky enemies.He had accidentally hacked into his company's server.Lucifer was surprised at the amount of at Death Valley.The fog was so dense even a laser decided it wasn't worth the effort.He had a vague sense that trees gave birth to dinosaurs.She wrote him a long letter, but he didn't read it.Too many prisons have become early coffins.I am nevr at hom on Sundays.When I cook spaghetti, I like to boil it a few minutes past al dente so the noodles are super slippery.He watched the dancing piglets with panda bear tummies in the swimming pool.He always wore his sunglasses at night.He was the of the club who didn't like plum pudding.They're playing the piano while flying in the plane.He wondered if it could be called a beach if there was no sand.He wore the surgical mask in public not to keep from catching a virus, but to keep people away from him.When motorists sped in and out of , she could think of was those in need of a transplant.Having no hair made him look even hairier.The bug was having an excellent day until he hit the windshield.He was willing to find the depths of the rabbit hole in oder to be with her.Separation anxiety is what happens when you can't find your .The crowd yells and screams for more memes.Tuesdays are fre if you bring a gnome costume.back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.She was disgusted he couldn’t tell the difference between lemonade and limeade.I hear that Nancy is very pretty.
He's in a boy band which doesn't make much sense for a snake.Douglas figured best way to succeed was to do the opposite of what he'd been doing his .He used to confused between soldiers and shoulders, but as a military man, he soldiers responsibility.The tour bus was packed with teenage girls heading toward their next adventure.You should nver take advice from someone who thinks red paint dries quicker than blue paint.Italy is my favorite country; in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there next year.Situps are a terrible way to end your day.We have been to Asia, nor have we visited Africa.Love is not like pizza.He was sitting in a trash can with high street class.She is happy until she finds something to be unhappy about; then, she is overjoyed.She discovered van is difficult with 2 cats and a dog.We should play with legos at camp.Joe made the sugar cookies; Susan decorated them.He knew it was going to be a bad day when he saw mountain lions roaming the streets.He swore he just saw his sushi move.As he waited for the shower to warm, he noticed that he could hear water change temperature.His ultimate dream fantasy consisted of being content and sleeping eight hours in a row.It was always dangerous to drive with him since he insisted the safety cones were a slalom course.It was at that moment that he learned there are certain parts of the body that you should Nair.After exploring the abandoned building, he started to believe in ghosts.The golden retriever loved the fireworks each Fourth of July.Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.The virus had powers none of us knew existed.Behind the window was a reflection that instilled fearHe had unknowingly taken up sleepwalking as a nighttime hobby.He found the end of the rainbow and was surprised at what he found there.Excitement replaced fear until the final moment.That must be the tenth time I've been arrested for selling deep-fried cigars.Despite what your teacher may have told you, there is a wrong way to wield a lasso.