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  1. * Secrets of Invalidating Tax Assessments – Jan 18 Reg. Link
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  13. Mastering MS PowerPoint – Feb 22 Reg. Link
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Mastering MS PowerPoint 


February 22, 2024

2:00pm - 5:00pm


Want to create effective PowerPoint presentations but don’t know where to start? Whether you are new to PowerPoint or have some experience and want to improve your skills, this course has something for everyone, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in PowerPoint.

From students to the C-Suite, Microsoft Office is the gold standard of productivity software. Today, 1.2 billion people across 140 countries and 107 languages use the productivity suite. Despite so many of us using Office programs in our daily lives, they can be a challenge to master without the right Microsoft Office Suite training.


Course Description

Participants will learn basic techniques including how to use themes and layouts, add audio visual components to your presentations and more. They will also learn intermediate and advanced techniques such as how to add animations, print, reuse and copy slides plus more.

Whether you use PowerPoint for work or study, these tutorials will start you on your journey to becoming a PowerPoint pro!

Course Outline

Module 1: Interface and Basics
1. Launching PowerPoint and Choosing a Theme
Use a professionally designed template to save time creating a presentation.
2. Adding Slides, Changing Layouts and Exploring the Outline
Add slides, which are the building blocks of a presentation, and understand how layouts can provide you with quick ways to insert content aligned on your slide.
3. Exploring PowerPoint’s Views
The different PowerPoint views allow you to work on different parts of your presentation such as slides, slide thumbnails, text and running your presentation as a slideshow.
4. Getting Familiar with the Notes Pane
A very clever location to add extra text to a slide that your audience may not see, but you can use as an aid when presenting or as printed handouts.
5. Customizing the PowerPoint Interface
Find and add menu items and buttons that you frequently use to your ribbon or quick access toolbar to give you faster access to the PowerPoint features you probably use the most.
6. Changing Themes and Colors
Quickly change the colors, fonts, effects or design of your entire presentation in almost a single mouse click.

Module 2: Adding Text and Shapes
1. The Content Placeholder and Bullet Levels
Use placeholders to quickly add content to your slides including text, diagrams, and charts – so that you can later change the location and proportions of these objects, often with a single mouse click.
2. Formatting Text
Format text in your presentation so that it is legible and perhaps even pleasant to look at!
3. Adding and Manipulating Shapes
Add and work with shapes, which are one of the most important building blocks on a slide, including rectangles, ovals, and triangles.
4. Duplicate and Add Multiple Shapes
Reuse existing, formatted shapes to save time inserting shape content on your slides.
5. Align and Distribute Shapes
Align and distribute shapes (and other content) so that they are correctly positioned to quickly balance the content on your slides and prevent the same objects on different slides jumping to different locations during a slideshow.
6. Group and Ungroup Shapes
Group various shapes together into a single slide object to help you position the group of shapes in a specific location, while still gaining access to the size and formatting options available within PowerPoint for those individual shapes.

Module 3: Pictures
1. Working with Pictures
Since a picture is really worth 1000 words, add pictures, change their appearance and do so much more with these fundamental slide objects.
2. Remove Picture Backgrounds
Make the selected part of a picture transparent to either cleverly crop parts of the picture, or make parts of the picture transparent to overlay in front of other pictures without obscuring them.
3. Photo Album
Quickly add multiple pictures to a presentation even in the format of two or four pictures per slide.

Module 4: Info-graphics and Media
1. Introducing SmartArt
Insert, add text to, and format SmartArt graphics to quickly add diagrams to your presentation which will assist you to tell your story.
2. Adding and Editing Charts
Select the right chart for your data, add it to a slide, know the basics of editing charts and quickly format charts.
3. Advanced Chart Options
Understand and work with the tricky parts of charts such as axes and legends.
4. Structure Your Tables
Add tabular data to your presentation in the form of a table and change the table’s appearance.
5. Adding Audio
Insert sound on your slides so that your presentation can play music, narration or other sound effects.
6. Adding Video
Insert video into your presentation and use various formatting options such as soft edges, or 3-D bevels to make your video really stand out.

Module 5: Animations and Transitions
1. Less is More
Have the confidence to know exactly what to animate without driving your audience crazy.
2. Basic Animation Types
Just like an actor, make objects enter the stage, exit, move around the stage and maybe even gain the attention of your audience in the correct way.
3. Events and Speed
Make your animated objects speed up or slow down, or play with or without your intervention, depending on which you desire.
4. Motion Path Animations
Make an object move along a defined or custom path to enhance the engagement of your audience or explain in animated form very complex topics.
5. Transitions
Add smooth or exciting transitions between slides to increase the smoothness and continuity of your slideshow into an almost movie-like format.

Module 6: Slide Tasks
1. Duplicating and Reordering Slides
Reuse existing slides in your current presentation to save development time, as well as changing the order in which your slides play within a slideshow.
2. Reusing and Copying Slides
Reuse existing slides from another presentation, and retain the theme of that presentation if you wish.
3. Working with Slide Sections
Group your slides into common concepts or thoughts to help build your storyline, as well is quickly move all of the slides within that group to a new area of your presentation.
4. Reset – the Magic Button
When you work extensively on a chart, picture or slide and it doesn’t turn out exactly how you wish, quickly reset it back to what it was originally.

Module 7: Delivering Your Presentation
1. Printing Slides
Quickly print your slides professionally to give to your audience, or create PDFs to distribute either before or after the slideshow.
2. Rehearsing Slides
“Practice makes perfect” – so rehearse your slides and practice the delivery of your presentation.
3. Exploring Slide Show Options
Before you present your slideshow, set your show up to present in a variety of ways with the confidence that little will go wrong.
4. Using Presenter View
Use a special PowerPoint view so that even though your audience can only see the slide show, you can view slide timings, slide notes and even a preview of the next, upcoming slide.

Module 8: New Design Features
1. Morph Transitions
Use the Morph transition to move objects when presenting a slide show.
2. Insert Icons
Inserting icons from the internet on your computer.
3. 3D Animations
Inserting 3D models from the internet or your computer.
4. Pre-Animated 3D Models
Inserting animated 3D models from the internet on your computer.
5. Insert Zoom Slides
Creating a summary slide to navigate to specific presentation sections during a slideshow.

Learning Session Process

This interactive training will comprise a range of learning activities, including presentations, with question and answer opportunities, demonstration and practice of analytical techniques, group exercises and discussions, using case studies and current market information sources. Whilst the theoretical background will be explained and justified, the main emphasis will be on putting these into a real world context by providing a practical ‘toolkit’.

Technical Requirements: Laptop/PC with installed MS Office


Featured Speaker:


Principal Auditor at American

Data Exchange Company

Jeff-Mike Smith Sule is a national speaker on topics that involve external and internal audit, IT audit, real estate, and environmental planning, accounting and taxation, bookkeeping, business process management, and organizational transformation.

He graduated First Honorable Mention in secondary school and Magna Cum Laude in PUP-Manila with a bachelor’s degree in accountancy.

He worked as an IT and later on Financial Auditor at SGV and Co. Concurrent and after his stint at SGV, he has held various management position and become faculty member of various educational institutions such as Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, Mapua, Far Eastern University, PCU and Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He was also an accreditor of the Association of Local Colleges and Universities

He also worked for ÆON Credit Service, under various management capacities: Internal Control Manager, Portfolio Manager and Internal Audit Manager. He is currently connected with American Data Exchange Company as a principal auditor while doing freelance consultancy engagements.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Accountants based in Singapore, a Certified Internal Auditor, a Scrum Fundamentals Certified, a Certified Bookkeeper under The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers based in the United Kingdom, holder of NCIII (National Certification in bookkeeping) under TESDA, and an Accredited Accounting Teacher and Accredited CPA in Commerce and Industry Practice. He has four active professional licenses under PRC, to wit, Certified Public Accountant, Real Estate Appraiser, Real Estate Broker, and Environmental Planner. He placed Top 7 and Top 2 in the 2010 CPA Licensure Examination and 2014 Real Estate Appraiser Licensure Examination, respectively.



Mastering MS PowerPoint 


February 22, 2024

2:00pm - 5:00pm



Regular Rate Php 1,699.00 + VAT starting FEB 16, 2024
Early Bird Rate Php 1,399.00 + VAT until    FEB 152024
Group Rate Php 1,299.00 + VAT per pax for 5 – 14 pax
Super Group Rate Php 1,099.00 + VAT per pax for 15 or more pax
BIRTHDAY MONTH PROMO - ONE (1) FREE SEAT Register within Your Birthday Month with at least 2 paid pax @Php1,699.00+ VAT per pax Must Present proof of date birth
JOIN NOW PAY LATER PROMO - After 30 Days from the date of the Masterclass @Php1,899.00 + VAT per pax
Inclusive of the Webinar Session, Presentation Materials and the Digital Certificate



For More Details, Inquiry or
Reservation Please Call Us On:
Ms. Jhie 
Marketing Officer
Tele Fax: 8470-1057
 or Call/Text: 0906-4798186  
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