Introduction It’s here! A masterclass on internal revenue taxation. Learn everything you need to know about taxation, whether you are an accountant or not. The important concepts, principles, and tools will be taken up in this course, together with the latest updates and best practices. It’s not every day that you will be treated to a cornucopia of essential topics on taxation. Take advantage of this rare opportunity. It will be very useful not just for those in finance or accounting but also for other departments. Supervisors, managers, executives, and business owners will gain a lot from this special learning session.
Course Content I. Registration of Taxpayer
II. Keeping of Books of Accounts
III. Preservation of Books of Accounts and Other Accounting Records
IV. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection
V. Exceptions as to Period of Limitation of Assessment and Collection of Taxes
VI. VAT Sales Invoice
VII. VAT Official Receipt
VIII. Non-VAT Sales Invoices
IX. Non-VAT Official Receipts
X. Authority To Print (ATP) and Manner of Printing of Receipts / Invoices
XI. Printing of Receipts or Commercial or Sales Invoices
XII. Reporting of Monthly Sales
XIII. General Principles of Philippine Income Taxation
XIV. Classification of Taxpayers
XV. Meaning of Gross Income
XVI. Forms of Compensation
XVII. Exclusions Under Tax Code
XVIII Exclusions From Gross Income
XIX. Minimum Wage Tax Exemption
XX. Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities
XXI. Corporate Taxation
XXII. Tax Treaty Relief Application
XXIII. Minimum Corporate Income Tax on Domestic Corporations
XXIV. Deductions From Gross Income
XXV. Itemized Deductions
XXVI. Withholding Taxes
XXVII. Withholding of VAT on Government Money Payment and Payment to Non-Residents