Find Out Why This New Winter Jacket Is Changing How People Dress for Winter…


They call it the WinterSecret Pro. A fitting name for our new secret weapon against the frost. State of the art, stylish and incredibly convenient, Napoleon would have wished to have a couple hundred thousand of these.

Never before have we had such a wonder. A stylish jacket that is both comfortable, and uses state of the art electric heating pads, powered by a USB charged battery no less, that is also machine washable! Combine that with top shelf materials to make sure this bad boy lasts you many, many winters, and the secret weapon is complete.

The WinterSecret Pro might just be a civilization game changer, and we absolutely had to get one and check if it lives up to the hype…


What makes them so special?


We were so distracted by how perfectly normal, and very nice, it looked, that we almost forgot to compile what we found amazing about it:


Battery powered heating pads strategically place for maximum heat and comfort.

Massive 10,000mAh USB rechargeable battery that can keep you nice and warm for up to 16 hours on a single charge!

Durable fabrics, water and wind resistant.

Look very nice. Stylish and thin enough to easily serve as a middle layer for say your motorcycle jacket.

? Machine washable (Just remove the battery before putting the jacket to the washing machine)

3 heating levels for maximum comfort.



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WinterSecret Pro Co., Washington 7, Augusta, Georgia, 6084






She had some news to share but nobody to share it with.He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.Pair your designer cowboy hat with scuba gear for a memorable occasion.The sunblock was handed to the girl before practice, but the burned skin was proof she did not apply it.It's a skateboarding penguin with a sunhat!At that moment she realized she had a sixth sense.People who insist on picking their teeth with their elbows are so annoying!8 of 25 is the same as 25 of 8 and one of them is much easier to do in your head.He had a vague sense that trees gave birth to dinosaurs.Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind.I'll have you know I've written over fifty novelsThey throw cabbage that turns your brain into emotional baggage.It isn't difficult to do a handstand if you just stand on your hands.The sunblock was handed to the girl before practice, but the burned skin was proof she did not apply it.The truth is that you pay for your lifestyle in hours.People who insist on picking their teeth with their elbows are so annoying!Patricia found the meaning of in a bowl of Cheerios.He stepped gingerly onto the bridge knowing that enchantment awaited on the other side.Even though he thought the world was flat he didn’t see the irony of wanting to travel around the world.She couldn't understand why nobody else could see that the sky is full of cotton candy.The crowd yells and screams for more memes.Flash photography is best used in full sunlight.The fish listened intently to what the frogs had to say.they could see was the blue water surrounding their sailboat.He liked to play with words in the bathtub.There's an art to getting your way, and spitting olive pits across the table isn't it.The manager of the fruit stand always sat and sold vegetables.That must be the tenth time I've been arrested for selling deep-fried cigars.This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am going to mid-sentHe was surprised that his immense laziness was inspirational to others.