Hey there ,

Recent studies from Harvard have discovered a specific plant that targets the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes.

These studies refer to 'zombie cells' that accumulate around the pancreas and cause the disease.

What plant do you think is most effective at eliminating these zombie cells, eradicating diabetes from the body permanently?

1. Black Mulberry
2. Chicory
3. Eleuthero
4. Aloe

The answer will surprise you! Watch this short video explanation.

Stay healthy,

Andrew Tsosie

PS: And if you wish to learn more about the “zombie cells” click here.


1975 Formula Lane Dallas, TX 75207



Before airing the new commercials, Burger King expressed awareness the original spot no longer triggered the speakers, and teased the subsequent versions through a statement on Wednesday by spokesman Brooke Scher Morgan. "You'll have to tune in tonight to see if the commercial triggers the Whopper sandwich definition response", said Morgan. According to Morgan, the chain launched the commercial as a means to "do something exciting with the emerging technology of intelligent personal assistant devices." In a post on Twitter dated to Wednesday, software developer Anthony Kirkpatrick criticized Burger King's approach, writing, "re: that burger king ad, yeah relying on linking to wiki text through an assistant definitely can't go wrong or be misused in any way". Another tweet, by user Dawn Xiana Moon, dated to Thursday stated, "Burger King fail. Hijacking devices isn't cool. It's clever, but it's not going to win friends." Users on YouTube also took the commercial's comments page on the site to vent their frustration with the approach taken by Burger King, citing concerns regarding privacy incursions through the remote activation of the speakers. "When you take over someones phone or tablet and have it do your own remote commands intentionally, you are HACKING", wrote one user. According to marketing professor Jonah Berger, a faculty member of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, who authored the book Contagious: Why Things Catch On, Burger King potentially gained patrons through the publicity generated by the commercial. "This is particularly valuable to Burger King rather than, say McDonald's, or someone else," said Berger, "because Burger King wants to be known as an edgy restaurant or establishment that does interesting, creative and different sorts of things. It's part of their brand equity". He also added Google may stand to gain from the commercial as well, stating, "a whole bunch of people who didn't know what Google Home was or hadn't heard of it may go out and buy one."