It must have been a very sad age for the people who had been educated under the old system. All Italy and very soon all of Europe was filled with men and women who lived that they might add their mite to the sum total of our accumulated treasures of knowledge and beauty and wisdom. Even a letter, in many respects, is nothing, in comparison with it. Nay, indeed, your fighting is to be on greater motives than those of the Jews; for although they run the hazard of war for liberty, and for their country, yet what can be a greater motive to us than glory? And as Lupus died a little afterward, Paulinns succeeded him. Cut off from her colonies, France lost most of her possessions, and when peace was declared, the entire North American continent had fallen into British hands and the great work of exploration of Cartier, Champlain, La Salle, Marquette and a score of others was lost to France. “Marriage is doubtless an institution ordained by Heaven; but it becomes a curs e, and is repulsive to all pious feelings, when it unites those whose passion is made up of sensuality and selfishness.” “You dare not impute such base considerations to me!” exclaimed Flora, her cheeks again flushing, but with the glow of conscious innocence shamefully outraged by the most injurious suspicions. After an interminable walk, she gained Kearney Street, and held it till the well-lighted, well-kept neighbourhood of the shopping district gave place to the vice-crowded saloons and concert halls of the Barbary Coast. That which had meant life and death to our ancestors was here reduced to junk and rub- bish. In the apprehension of modern times, Petrarch ^1 is the Italian songster of Laura and love.