See Clearer With This Night Vision Aid


If you are a person that have sensitive eyes to bright lights in low-light settings, the glare can easily disorient you.

See Clearer With This Night Vision Aid

The glare involves safety issues when you travel at night. When traveling in a low-light single road with poor streetlights, the glare from the approaching vehicle can blind you and make you lose control of your car. This is why nighttime driving glasses are so important. Their lenses have a tinted yellowish hue that protects your eyes from the excessive light that can blind you while you drive your car at night.




  • Lightweight .
  • Polarization .
  • Blue-ray coating.
  • Photochromic lenses.
  • Anti-glare technology.
  • Easy to use with any glasses.
ClearView ??? Day & Night Vision Driving Glasses Polarized Anti-Glare Clear Sun Glasses


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For the past two weeks, I’ve been using a new camera to secretly snap photos and record videos of strangers in parks, on trains, inside stores and at restaurants. (I promise it was all in the name of journalism.) I wasn’t hiding the camera, but I was wearing it, and no one noticed. The glasses, Meta says, can help you “live in the moment” while sharing what you see with the world. You can livestream a concert on Instagram while watching the performance, for instance, as opposed to holding up a phone. appeared to have been sent out to all councilors in error by her aide, Denise DosSantos.DosSantos followed up the email 15 minutes later apologizing for the invite, clarifying that it was only meant for the city's six councilors of color. The seven white council members were not welcome.  That’s a humble goal, but it is part of a broader ambition in Silicon Valley to shift computing away from smartphone and computer screens and toward our faces. Meta said in a statement that privacy was top of mind when designing the glasses. “We know if we’re going to normalize smart glasses in everyday life, privacy has to come first and be integrated into everything we do,” the company said. The congressional stock trading scandal of 2020 claimed its share of political victims, but one member’s curiously well-timed trades that year flew under the radar—because he appears to have broken the law about disclosing them.  These photographs add substantial value to the scientific community, offering a detailed look at this rare occurrence in nature. The Democratic mayor of Boston has sparked outrage after inviting city councilors to a holiday party intended only for 'electeds of color.' Michelle Wu's invitation for the December 13 'Electeds of Color Holiday Party' appeared to have been sent out to all councilors in error by her aide, Denise DosSantos.DosSantos followed up the email 15 minutes later apologizing for the invite, clarifying that it was only meant for the city's six councilors of color. The seven white council members were not welcome. The congressional stock trading scandal of 2020 claimed its share of political victims, but one member’s curiously well-timed trades that year flew under the radar—because he appears to have broken the law about disclosing them. What makes this discovery even more significant are the photographs taken of the bird, which Prof. Spencer describes as “arguably the best of a wild bilateral gynandromorphic bird of any species ever.”