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The standard model is the leading theory of the fundamental building blocks of the universe, but many physics questions remain unanswered, and so searches for phenomena beyond the standard model continue. CMS's new result defines more constrained limits on the parameters of the decay of Higgs bosons to dark photons, further narrowing down the area in which physicists can search for them. In theory, dark photons would travel a measurable distance in the CMS detector before they decay into "displaced muons." If scientists were to retrace the tracks of these muons, they would find that they don't reach all the way to the collision point, because the tracks come from a particle that has already moved some distance away, without any trace. Run 3 of the LHC began in July 2022 and has a higher instantaneous luminosity than previous LHC runs, meaning there are more collisions happening at any one moment for researchers to analyze. The LHC produces tens of millions of collisions every second, but only a few thousand of them can be stored, as recording every collision would quickly consume all the available data storage.