Introduction Having a good command of the English language gives you an edge in the workplace and makes a good first impression. Being able to communicate effectively and with accuracy helps in developing high-end interpersonal and networking skills. Once you have the ability to use English with accuracy, this adds to your credibility which builds trust with your colleagues and clients. As English is used in meetings, negotiations, in writing business letters, in delivering presentations and in social situations, having a refresher course will allow you to effectively communicate both in oral and written communication.
Topic Outline I. Self-Check: How Good Is My Grammar – a quick diagnostic test on subject-verb agreement, use of prepositions, verb tenses, and proper usage of words.
II. Common Mistakes and Commonly Misused Words
III. Grammar Review
IV. Principles in Business Writing
V. Spontaneity in Speaking and Writing
A. Use of Facilitators
B. Use of Transitional Lines
VI. Other Sources of Learning
A. Maximizing the Use of Mobile Apps
B. Reading
C. Podcast
D. Videos
E. Engaging in English Conversations