If you suffer from constipation, acid reflux or indigestion, your gut is a ticking time bomb...
In this Harvard article, a world renowned gut doctor, mentions that once you experience chronic constipation (or frequent bouts of acid reflux), you have at most 21 days to take action and remedy the problem; otherwise, you're risking colon rupture, which can lead to sepsis and death.
So don’t wait any longer - you have so much to lose.
The way doctors see it, you only have two options right now.
Option #1: Ignore the situation at your own peril.
Option #2: watch this short presentation made specifically for you by a digestive health expert and a renegade British gut doctor, in which they explain the root cause behind constipation/acid reflux and most digestive disorders, and how you can stop these dangerous gut issues dead in their tracks today.
Watch it before it’s too late! Do this 7-second protocol each morning!
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