He appeared to be confusingly perplexed.The murder hornet was disappointed by the preconceived ideas people had of him.The book is in front of the table.The stench from the feedlot permeated the car despite having the air conditioning on recycled air.Each person who knows you has a different perception of who you are.The view from the lighthouse excited even the most seasoned traveler.She finally understood that grief was her love with no place for it to go.She insisted that cleaning out your closet was the key to good driving.He had a vague sense that trees gave birth to dinosaurs.The bullet pierced the window shattering it before missing Danny's head by mere millimeters.He picked up trash in his spare time to dump in his neighbor's yard.She did a happy dance because of the socks from the dryer matched.The fence was confused about whether it was supposed to keep things in or keep things out.I really want to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.The shark-infested South Pine channel was the way in or out.The ice-cream trucks bring back bad memories for of us.Patricia found the meaning of in a bowl of Cheerios.Flash photography is best used in full sunlight.Having no hair made him look even hairier.I want to a onesie… but know it ’t suit me.Henry couldn't decide if he was an auto mechanic or a priest.Be careful with that butter knife.It took him a month to finish the meal.they could see was the blue water surrounding their sailboat.He kept telling himself that one day it would ll somehow make sense.The view from the lighthouse excited even the most seasoned traveler.The manager of the fruit stand always sat and sold vegetables.After exploring the abandoned building, he started to believe in ghosts.This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am going to mid-sentHe set out for a short walk, but he could see were mangroves and water were for miles.