As the asteroid hurtled toward earth, Becky was upset her dentist appointment had been canceled.She traveled because it the same as therapy and was a lot more enjoyable.It's not often you find a soggy banana on the street.There's probably enough glass in my cupboard to build an undersea aquarium.I ate a sock because people on the Internet told me to.He had concluded that pigs must be able to fly in Hog Heaven.Giving directions that the mountains are to the west works when you can see them.Gary didn't understand why Doug went upstairs to one dollar bills when he invited him to go cow tipping.I'm not a party animal, but I do like animal parties.Iron pyrite is the most foolish of minerals.She cried diamonds.We have young kids who often walk into our room at night for various reasons including clowns in the closet.They looked up at the sky and saw a millin stars.Nobody loves a pig wearing lipstick.Excitement replaced fear until the final moment.The busker hoped that the people passing by would throw mone y, but they threw tomatoes instead, so he exchanged his hat for a juicer.Garlic ice-cream was her favorite.He ran out of , so he had to playing poker.Tody arrived with a crash of my car through the garage door.A glittering gem is not enough.The lake is a long way from .The busker hoped that the people passing by would throw mone y, but they threw tomatoes instead, so he exchanged his hat for a juicer.Written warnings in instruction manuals are worthless since rabbits can't read.The waves were crashing on the shore; it was a lovely sight.The child’s favorite Christmas gift was the large box her father’s lawnmower came in.She works two jobs to make ends meet; at least, that was her reason for not having time to join us.There can be too many cherries on an ice cream sundae.back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.I love bacon, beer, birds, and baboons.When motorists sped in and out of , she could think of was those in need of a transplant.