tror du behöver uppdatera adresser etc i det lär väl inte komma fram post till valparaiso? och din mail fungerar ju inte heller.

jag reagerade på att version skall vara numeric med decimalpunkt  men många kör ju major.minor.patch vilket eg blir string?


Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect

Sustainable Innovation
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm

2015-11-12 14:09 GMT+01:00 Peter Waher <>:
Hello Peter
Yes, this was registered in August:
I will also update XEP-0347 (§3.9) to reflect this new URI scheme for encoding conceptual identities of things.
Best regards,
Peter Waher
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:55:37 -0700
> From: Peter Saint-Andre <>
> To: XMPP in the Internet of Things <>
> Subject: Re: [IOT] IANA application
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Was this ever done?
> Sorry, this message was stuck in the queue.
> On 7/10/15 10:41 AM, Peter Waher wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > During the work in other standards groups, there has been some interest
> > in the discovery model presented in XEP-0347. This has lead to the
> > desire to update the IoT-discovery encoding described in the XEP
> > somewhat and formalize it into a URI scheme. I?ve therefore prepared an
> > application to IANA for a provisional URI scheme. The idea is to send it
> > by the end of next week. So, if you have time, and an interest, you?re
> > welcome to return any comments, suggestions or questions to me by then,
> > so I have a chance to update the application before mailing it. The idea
> > is to update XEP-0347 after the approval of such a provisional URI scheme.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Peter Waher

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