I would say the modeling of size of an IoT endpoint is a floating target. The text can be more elaborate on it 

going to a classic endpoint like PhilipHue lamp (in the Realtime booth on FOSDEM)  I have modeled every lamp as individual JID. Some argue Philips has sold 10M lamps

If philips provided XMPP-IoT as their API,  that would lead to 10M JIDS  on their xmpp server.
Or should each gateway have a JID with the connected lamps behind? The API from Philips is very gateway centric gatewayID/lamp1...lampXX

Or just one JID  MasterBot@philipsHue.com that just acts as a messaging proxy to any lamp and you set up your JID credentials on my.meethue.com (being a concentrator)

   <message from='myjid@domain.com/mobile'           

      <set xmlns='urn:xmpp:iot:control'>
         <node nodeId='PhilipsHUEGatewayID'/>
         <boolean name='Lamp1OnOff' value='True'/>

Control should probably use tokens http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0325.html#tokens and the PhilipsHue access keys generated when the push button is pressed on the gateway.

Written by Joachim Lindborg on a device running on solar energy from watt-s.com
CTO, systems architect
Sustainable Innovation  SUST.se ,Tel +46 706-442270, linkedin
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm

2017-01-08 22:32 GMT+01:00 Peter Saint-Andre - Filament <peter@filament.com>:
I haven't yet made time to deeply review and post at length about the IoT XEPs. However, I've looked at them all briefly and I have a high-level question about their focus and intent. Several of them mention use cases involving millions of devices on an IoT network, and even millions of devices behind a single JID acting as a concentrator. Do we truly think this is a realistic scenario? Most of the use cases I hear about from customers (not involving XMPP) as well as the real-world usage of XMPP I know about (e.g., in demand-response systems) involve perhaps a few hundred edge devices (sensors, actuators, and the like) at any given deployment (e.g., at a factory, office complex, oil refinery, or construction site). Personally I do not see a need for millions of endpoints behind a single concentrator JID. I don't think I even see a need for millions of endpoints on any single customer deployment - tens of thousands seems a lot more plausible. Perhaps the authors were thinking about a single central server at an XMPP-based IoT service provider handling that many endpoints for multiple customers across all of their physical locations?


Peter Saint-Andre
IOT mailing list