Hi all,

I want to inform you that we have published an extended version of the work presented at ICIN 2016 conference on ‘Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks’ (for more info about the work, please refer to this previous email: https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/iot/2016-April/000231.html).

This extended version of the paper has been published on the international journal Annals of telecommunications (http://rdcu.be/t3CV) and, compared with the previous version, it contains more details about the results obtained testing the proposed architecture and a more detailed description of the evaluation system used.

Please, if you have any comments, questions or you are interested in cooperating on this do not hesitate to contact me.

Davide Conzon

Davide Conzon
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB)
via P.C. Boggio, 61 - 10138 Torino (ITALY)
tel. (+39) 011.2276.710 Informativa
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