Hello Peter, Joachim and Dave (& others).

Thanks for the input.

> tror du beh?ver uppdatera adresser etc i
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/iotdisco det l?r v?l inte
> komma fram post till valparaiso? och din mail fungerar ju inte heller.

Regarding address in application: Yes, it points to my old address in Chile. I learnt that I was to move back after sending the application. A request to update the contact information has been sent. Let’s see how long that takes…

> jag reagerade p? att version skall vara numeric med decimalpunkt  men m?nga
> k?r ju major.minor.patch https://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering vilket
> eg blir string?

You could also report the version number as two or more parameters. The point here is to make searching more simple. For instance, you want 1.10 to be greater than 1.2, which it is if numeric, but not if a string. This makes it possible to search for temperature sensors of brand X, model Y with a version number greater than Z. You could add a patch parameter (or build parameter) to include more detailed information if you want.

> I find this slightly unfortunate, because XEP-0053 reads:
>     The XMPP Registrar shall be responsible for interacting with the
>     IANA on behalf of the XMPP Standards Foundation. If an XMPP
>     Extension Protocol specification requires interaction with the IANA,
>     that fact shall be noted by the document author(s) and discussed on
>     the Standards mailing list along with normal discussion of the XEP.
>     The XMPP Registrar shall collaborate with the author(s) to submit an
>     appropriate request to the IANA.
> I suppose it could be argued that this registration has been made on
> behalf of ISO/IEC/IEEE working group 21451-1-4 (not the XSF), or even on
> behalf of no organization.

Correct. The work on this was part of the IEEE WG. I also mailed the iot list (and others) for comments, but received them a bit late.

> What exactly is the relationship between this URI scheme and XEP-0347?

XEP-0347 proposed a method (in §3.9) where metadata could be encoded as a string, and then encoded as a QR-code (as an example). In the IEEE WG, they did not like the fact that the string was not encoded as a URI. So, we created another encoding based on similar principles, but that has a URI scheme and valid URI syntax. This encoding is better, and the URI scheme is registered. The idea is to update XEP-0347 to reflect this change. It also makes it easier to integrate into software scanning QR codes to know what the code is supposed to mean.

> Yes, Peter Waher's postal and email address, as listed, doesn't work
> anymore, does it?

> I'm a little confused by the registration, which seems to be several pages
> longer than it should be anyway and hasn't been, as far as I can tell,
> formally reviewed by anyone. So it doesn't surprise me at all that odd
> things like version numbers (which have no place in protocols) have ended
> up in there.

Yes, it was reviewed by several people. IANA does not publish things that have not been reviewed.

> Also, for future reference, it'd be helpful to keep to English on these
> lists, despite Google Translate's help in giving me some idea of what's
> discussed.

I often do this error myself, believing I’m responding to a person directly, when I’m actually responding to the entire list.

Best regards,
Peter Waher