It's very close already today, 
mainly the time stamps and timezone info that differ
Datatypes is also somewhat different. 

how widely is the core-senml adapted is it defined to be the prefered transport in ietf-core?

For me it seems that xep323 can include senml and have a simple gateway in between

Written by Joachim Lindborg on a device running on solar energy from
CTO, systems architect
Sustainable Innovation ,Tel +46 706-442270, linkedin
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm

2016-11-10 8:10 GMT+01:00 Guido Günther <>:
On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:20:39PM -0700, Peter Saint-Andre - Filament wrote:
> Is anyone on the list looking at or using the sensor markup spec being
> worked on at the IETF?

Used it in the past, great to see it's being picked up again.

> It seems to overlap somewhat with XEP-0323:

Having these mostly in sync would simplify COAP XMPP gateways which I
will have to come up with somewhen in the future.

 -- Guido
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