Namespaces to be pre-defined: ]> Example 10. Register Thing (in RDF/XML syntax) 1.2 4857402340298342 12.552 55.701 IMC 394872348732948723 Example 40. Searching for Things Option I: ... (String representation of a GeoSPARQL query) ... GeoSPARQL example query (with Jena implementation) PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xmpp-iot-common: PREFIX xmpp-iot: PREFIX spatial: SELECT DISTINCT ?thing WHERE { ?thing xmpp-iot-common:MODEL "IMC" ; xmpp-iot-common:MAN "" ; xmpp-iot-common:SN ?sn ; xmpp-iot-common:V ?v ; spatial:nearby(51.1234 24.123 10 "km") FILTER ( !regex(?sn, "^39487", "i") && ?v > 1 && ?v < 2 ) } Option II: XML serialization of a GeoSPARQL query could be proposed (e.g., similarly to SWRL rules). Example 41. Search result