Hello Peter


Yes, we reviewed the SenML specs (from Sensinode, at the time) before beginning working on the XEP-0323. While it works well for compact transport of sensor data in resource constrained environments (for instance using CoAP), especially if you control the entire communication chain (from device to service), it did not solve the interoperability issue (which tries to break up this chain, allowing parties to specialize in devices, infrastructure or services), since it requires fore-knowledge about what is being transported, or knowledge about what type of devices you’re using.


We can discuss this topic deeper, if you want, at the next IoT SIG meeting. While not addressing SenML directly in the presentation, some of the use cases presented there explains the reasons behind de decisions made:



Best regards,

Peter Waher



> Is anyone on the list looking at or using the sensor markup spec being

> worked on at the IETF?


> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-core-senml-04


> It seems to overlap somewhat with XEP-0323:


> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0323.html


> Peter


> --

> Peter Saint-Andre

> https://filament.com/