Hello everybody


Regarding the XMPP IoT SIG deliverable §5:


> The IoT SIG should at a minumum produce an informational XEP

> that provides an overview of the XMPP IoT "landscape"; this document

> could help the XMPP community (including XSF members, leadership,

> and teams) understand the Intenet of Things and especially the

> applicability of XMPP to common IoT use cases.


Unless somebody else volunteers in writing this document, I volunteer writing one. Some questions:


·        How is the procedure supposed to be?

·        I write a draft and transmit it to the council for evaluation?

·        Or should it be sent to the iot mailing list?

·        Or should we agree on a disposition first, i.e. what sections/subsections to include?

·        Are there any special criteria or considerations that have to be taken into account already from the beginning?

·        Is there an interest by any other to co-author? Any preferences regarding to sections?


Best regards,

Peter Waher