To IoT Members,


I wish to extend to IoT members to participate in open discussion and meeting for a Call for Participation in the kick-off of

I would ask that you RSVP me regarding your intent on this teleconference, in addition to the WG Chair(s) and ISO/IEC/IEEE 2145x Co-chair (Dr. Kang Lee with NIST).  This is asked so that I can ascertain the IoT representation, as well as ensuring that we have enough seats on the teleconference.  I will forward you details for participation.


The discussion will review the scope of 21451-1-4 Smart Transducer Interface for Sensor, Actuators, and Network Devices to use

eXtensible Markup and Presence Protocol (XMPP).  


To learn more about XMPP visit the XMPP Foundation web site at   XMPP is an extensible protocol that can be used to provide Common Network Management of networked devices and to facilitate transport of various protocols including the Internet.   This use of the XMPP protocol  is technology agnostic and protocol independent with security built-in.  The range of application of XMPP include cloud computing, sensor networks, process control, Smart Grid, M2M, and now the Internet of Things (IoT).


To learn more you can also visit which discusses use of XMPP for smart devices such as Android or Apple smart phones, tablets pc's, etc.   The ability to tie-in to various wireless gateways can be provided for legacy devices.


The meetings are scheduled to last one hour.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Regards,

W.J.MILLER, PRESIDENT, MaCT, 01 301 500-9277

ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-1-4 WG, Chairman