To all IoT members,


I have included a recent presentation entitled "XMPP for the Smart Grid"

that discusses the new ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-1-4 XMPP Smart Transducers Standard. 

There are a number of groups in the standard community who are now becoming aware

of the 21451-1-4 standard.  The IEEE 1451.1.4 standard is being sponsored by Dr. Kang Lee at NIST

chairman of IEEE TC9 Sensor Technology and sponsor of the 1451 series of smart transducer standard.


I thought I'd share with you my Smart Grid Educational Series presentation including an audio recording:

The SG Educational Series is hosted by Dr. Erfan Ibrahim who was previously with EPRI.

July 16th 2012 Webinar presentations, documents and webcast recording


Smart Grid Educational Series July 2012 Webcast-20120716 2029-1

July 16, 2012, 1:29 pm San Francisco Time 1 hour 5 mins

William Miller’s presentation on XMPP for the Smart Grid, ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451.1.4

eXtensible Markup and Presence Protocol Interface (XMPP) Standard for Sensors, Actuators, and Networked Devices


Please pass this information along to others and if there is any question please contact me.  Regards,


W.J.MILLER, PRESIDENT, MaCT, (301) 500-9277