
First an apology - as one of the people poking Peter to set up this forum, I feel terrible that since then I have not been able to participate or provoke a discussion in any shape or form. I am also unfortunately not going to be able to be in Portland for the IOT sessions in person. I am hoping to be able to attend remotely.

I have been heads down and what we have been doing may interest some of you guys, as we are about to enter public beta on our new product:

We have been developing an XMPP to Home Automation controller. The controller is a small embedded computer that has Wifi, Infra Red blasting/learning and a ZWave mesh network controller. For those who dont know, ZWave is a 900MHz Home Automation Network (HAN) protocol of which there are over 600 devices available from energy monitors to thermostats to light switches to shades to well pretty ,much anything you may want to measure or control in a home.... A lot of the 'big' boys have started to make ZWave compatible devices.

Our controller is an XMPP client that runs as an embedded service on our ZWave and IR hardware. We have developed a broad set of XMPP IQ and Message stanza's (we call them XDC for eXtensible Device Control) that are designed to act as the public interface into either a HAN or a directly controlled device and have also created a powerful set of applicatons that run on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows to enable end users to easily control and configure these HAN's.

We dont have a lot of public information on this product, but here is the link anyway:-

If anybody is interested in being a beta tester (warning, we have to charge for the beta hardware.... as we are self funded startup) or have any other thoughts/questions



On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <> wrote:
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Please read for IOT-related topics -- we're planning to discuss these
on Friday, October 26. Remote participation is welcome and I'm really
hoping we can kick off some good discussion about XMPP and IOT. Please
let me know if you're planning to participate remotely and we'll add
you to the wiki page:



- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Summit] rough agenda for XMPP Summit 12
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 12:29:45 -0600
From: Peter Saint-Andre <>
Reply-To: XMPP Summit <>
To: XMPP Summit <>

Folks, here is a rough agenda for XMPP Summit 12 next week in
Portland. Please provide feedback, let me know if you want to lead a
discussion, speak up if you think other topics are more important, etc.

We plan to use Google Hangouts for remote participation (hey, it's
based on XMPP), so please make sure you can use that if you want to
give a presentation or join in from places other than Portland. I am
*not* planning to get A/V equipment for the room.

(All times are local = Pacific Standard Time = UTC-08:00, note that
daylight saving time ends on November 1 in the USA!)


09:00 Overview, logistics, agenda bashing
09:10 Introductions / topics of interest
09:30 Lightning talks: "what I'm doing with XMPP" (10-15 minutes each)
10:30 Break
10:45 [TBD] *
12:00 Lunch
13:00 HTTP bindings: BOSH, WebSocket, XMPP, and you
15:00 Break
15:15 HTTP bindings: summary and next steps
15:30 [TBD] *
17:00 End of Day 1

19:00 XSF dinner, location to be determined


09:00 XMPP and the Internet of Things
10:30 Break
10:45 XMPP and IOT (continued)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 [TBD] *
15:00 End of Day 2

I'd really like input from folks here about the "TBD" topics. There
are things I'd like to talk about, but I want to make sure we cover
the topics that XMPP developers and operators think are high priorities.


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IOT mailing list


Mat Henshall
Founder and CEO, Square Connect, Inc.
San Jose, CA
cell: 650.814.7585