Hello Peter
Yes, this was registered in August:
I will also update XEP-0347 (§3.9) to reflect this new URI scheme for encoding conceptual identities of things.
Best regards,
Peter Waher
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:55:37 -0700
> From: Peter Saint-Andre <peter@andyet.net>
> To: XMPP in the Internet of Things <iot@xmpp.org>
> Subject: Re: [IOT] IANA application
> Message-ID: <5643FFA9.7030801@andyet.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Was this ever done?
> Sorry, this message was stuck in the queue.
> On 7/10/15 10:41 AM, Peter Waher wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > During the work in other standards groups, there has been some interest
> > in the discovery model presented in XEP-0347. This has lead to the
> > desire to update the IoT-discovery encoding described in the XEP
> > somewhat and formalize it into a URI scheme. I?ve therefore prepared an
> > application to IANA for a provisional URI scheme. The idea is to send it
> > by the end of next week. So, if you have time, and an interest, you?re
> > welcome to return any comments, suggestions or questions to me by then,
> > so I have a chance to update the application before mailing it. The idea
> > is to update XEP-0347 after the approval of such a provisional URI scheme.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Peter Waher