9 the of april tomorrow we will have the first full day XMPP IoT session with 100 attendees connecting equipment and doing some team challenges and te aim is to create knowledge and attention on the XMPP IoT and the possibilities it can bring.

The global IoT day http://iotday.org is run for the forth year in a row. 

If any of you all are in a meetup or just would like to say hello to us join the webinar and we make you a presenter and have a local greeting to your site.

Join us remotely on the webinar

Our global schedule is here:

more info on the day in Stockholm

We will also be part of the demo session 2 on the live feed

Thank you for your attention 

Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect

Sustainable Innovation  SUST.se
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm