Hello Davide


Sorry for the late reply, and congratulations on the success of your project. 😊 Thanks for the links to the paper and presentation too. If you need help or my participation with provisioning and the IoT XEPs, please let me know.


Best regards

Peter Waher



Hi all,

during the last 30 months I have been involved in a
project called IMPReSS (
http://impressproject.eu/ )
co-funded by both European Commission, through 7th
programme framework, and Brazilian government, through the
CNPq minister. The aim of the project, which is on the eve
of the final review, is to
provide a Systems Development Platform which enables rapid
and cost effective development of complex systems
involving Internet of Things and Services and at the same
time facilitates the interplay with users
and external systems.

Leveraging XMPP protocol, the project developed a Network
Management infrastructure and Commissioning and
Configuration infrastructure for IoT platforms. The latter
supports the configuration and mashup of the
different components  of the IoT platform, while the
Network Management infrastructure provides instruments for
network monitoring and setup.
This infrastructure leverages many features provided by
XMPP protocol:
- every device is uniquely identified through a Jabber
Identifier (JID);
- the presence mechanism is used to know in real-time the
status of the devices;
- XEP-0030 (Service Discovery) is used to discover the
entities  and their feautres;
- XEP-0050 (AdHoc Command) and XEP-0060
(Publish-Subscribe) are used to model
  the device capabilities in term of data generated and
services provided;
- XEP-0248 (PubSubCollection Nodes) is used to organize
publish-subscribe nodes, modeling the devices and their
features,in a hierarchical structure.
which can be used in the discovery mechanism

As a next step, we are aiming at making this solution to
converge toward XMPP-IoT extensions specifications, with a
particular interest and focus on XEP-0324: Internet of
Things - Provisioning, which will
allow us to improve furtherly our commissioning
infrastructure to help people with non-programming skills
to quickly and easily develop IoT application based on
general purpose IoT middlewares and platforms.

This XMPP infrastructure has received good feedback and
interest at ICIN 2016 conference on ?Innovations in
Clouds, Internet and Networks?(
http://www.icin.co.uk/ )
where has been presented.
If you are interested in extended information, you can
find the presented paper  at the following link:

and relevant slides here:


Hope you can find this approach interesting for you.
Please, if you have any comments, questions or you are
interested in cooperating on this do not hesitate to
contact me.

Davide Conzon


Davide Conzon

Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB)

via P.C. Boggio, 61 - 10138 Torino (ITALY) tel. (+39)

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