So, that sentiment is expressed in this article:

Talk, for example, was built to help enterprise users communicate better, Singhal says. "The notion of creating something that’s social and that’s always available wasn’t the same charter as we set out with when we created Talk." With Hangouts, Singhal says Google had to make the difficult decision to drop the very "open" XMPP standard that it helped pioneer.

Given that my XMPP session to gtalk still works, they clearly haven't abandoned the protocol entirely.  My guess is that they changed the backend implementation away from a "pure" XMPP infrastructure (maybe shifted to a different pub sub technology), and provide c2s XMPP "gateway" or the like for compatibility sake.

On May 16, 2013, at 10:00 AM, Sebastián Odena <> wrote:

Does somebody have any news about google abandoning XMPP protocol?
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