Hi Eelco,

Thanks for your reply!
Here my answers:

    That is a nice idea. I like the separation of collection and nodes. Are nested nodes possible like you described?

Yes, because you can put every collection node as a "parent" of other nodes (both collection and leaf).

    What worries me is that pubsub collection nodes (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0248.html) is a deferred XEP. Do you know if there are any XMPP     servers that implement this? It would be worth checking why this XEP was deferred…

Reading here http://standards.xmpp.narkive.com/kR8qE7AS/deferred-xep-0248-pubsub-collection-nodes, I think that the XEP has been deferred, because it needed some revision (the discussion is quite old, but probably, since this discussion there have been other priorities for the protocol). 
I know for sure that the extension is already implemented in Openfire (I'm actually using it), and in this page (not recentely updated)  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_XMPP_server_software, it is marked as implemented also in ejabberd.


Davide Conzon 

Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) 

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