Dear Joachim,

We are potentially interested as well - will you post links to the tutorial on this list ?


Riccardo Tomasi
Head of Research Unit: Internet of Things Service Management (IoT-SM)
Pervasive Technologies (PerT) Area
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB)
tel. (+39) 011.2276.438
skype: riccardo1981 [My calendar] [Linkedin] [Disclaimer]
On 03/02/2015 02:55, Joachim Lindborg wrote:
Inspired from the XMPP lounge hacking at FOSDEM, where we had Philips Hue lamps connected to Beatles music over the xmpp network. Loads of interested people where playing with the lamps. 

Couldn't we on the 9th of april 2015 which is the global IoT day, connect color lamps all over the world controlled from London with lloyd's music feed? I can setup most of the turorial.

Each lamp friending music_master@controller or join the Disco MUC room receives individual messages and own symbols/nicks on the youtube channel sending the music and Visualisation stream.

Then an session from all sites

Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect

Sustainable Innovation
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm

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