Hi all next saturday it's global IoT day http://iotday.org
I will again have a session in Stockholm where we will do some hacking, talk about IoT compare protocols and technologies and of course use xmpp-iot.

The idea is to use XEP323 and XEP 325 with basic read and write between IoT devices

We will talk between JID's subscribed to each outer so devices need to accept subscription requests either from anybody or if you prefer specific servers. 

We will also use one chat room for discussions  

We will use another chat room for devices to have anonymous direct messaging. So no groupchat talks in that room only direct messaging between nicknames, otherwise it would easily be totally swamped.

So I would like all of you, that have a device or two, to hook them up and publish a JID and we try to do an "around the world federated IoT hack with the best open 'IoT Silo' killing standard, XMPP.

If you have any other suggestion on usage, pubsub, adhoc, testcases, servers, etc etc lets talk about it and see where we get.

Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect

Sustainable Innovation  SUST.se
Barnhusgatan 3 
111 23 Stockholm