We actually have it in Xabber, not as a part of push notifications, of course, but as a part of our broad XEP-SYNC extension that is aimed at syncing messenger state, including after startup, etc. It is correct that it definitely connected with push notifications, as the only way to silence a push notification on ios is to not send it, or else it will have to be shown. So our push notifications extension also sources settings from XEP-SYNC data and does not send notifications if they aren't needed.

The end result looks like this -- conversation with heartbeat@redsolution.com is muted:


You can test it here on our test server, registration with a link: https://xabber.thebluemarble.ru/?rkey=ae69770abdxweu2e

On Wed, 29 May 2024 at 15:31, Nicolas Cedilnik <nicoco@nicoco.fr> wrote:
I agree that it would be nice to have fine-grained notifications synchronization across clients.
While looking to see if XMPP have such XEP, I found these extensions from Tigase that might be helpful in writing an official XEP:


I think this covers the specific use case of a push server, which unfortunately limits its scope.

For MUCs, it is a perfect fit for XEP-0402: PEP Native Bookmarks <extension>, in the spirit of XEP-0469: Bookmark Pinning? eg:

      <item id='theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'>
        <conference xmlns='urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1'
                    name='The Play&apos;s the Thing'
            <notify xmlns='urn:xmpp:filter-notifications:0' when='always'/>

with when= taking 3 possible values "always", "never" and "on-mention".

For contacts, a PEP (XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol) node would work. wouldn't it?

    <publish node='urn:xmpp:filter-notifications:0'>
      <item id='that-damn-guy@annoying.server'>
        <notify when='never'/>

I am not entirely sure about the real life use-case for muting notifications from a contact when you can just block them via other ways, but maybe I'm just not imaginative enough. :)
List, any feedback on these ideas?

-- Nicolas
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