
Actually no, sounds like it does not cover the most basic things i would expect from a voting functionality.
Thanks, you're right, this isn't the right XEP for voting. I'll still answer some of your points though that I don't agree with:

  1. It should be possible for every user to create a vote, without the help of bots
At the time I created the XEP, this is how voting worked in Telegram, I don't think it's a major issue to depend on a bot to manage votes.
  1. Vote Correction, Voting for multiple options, etc should be a thing
That's possible. There's nothing in the XEP that disallows running multiple actions, the bot could very well allow multiple votes or perform corrections.
  1. Answer from the bot is undefined, will it be simply the result as text message?

Why should the bot answer anything? You select an action. That's it, protocol over. The bot sees that you've selected an action and does whatever it wants to do.

Again, this is not to argue that actions are good for voting, you've convinced me that they aren't ^^

The idea of actions is to give quick and convenient access to things that could also be done outside of XMPP. The relevant business rule states:

Actions SHOULD only be a quicker way to access a feature that could also be accessed using information in the message body. For example, a bot that notifies about a new merge request includes in its notification message body a link to the web interface where manual merging is possible. An action could offer a more convenient way to merge, without taking the route via the web interface. In summary, users of clients that don't support Quick Response SHOULD still have a way to manually trigger the action.

That business rule makes sense I think and practically excludes voting as a use-case for this XEP.

Thanks again,

