Le mercredi 18 décembre 2024, 16:03:34 heure normale d’Europe centrale Kevin
Smith a écrit :
I don't think requiring GitHub accounts is the
'right thing' in
principle, but I think needing everything to be a GitHub PR if that's
what Editors want is what we practically need to do, and the "If you
can't GitHub please mail standards@ and find someone there to help you"
suggestion is pragmatic - at the moment we have Florian volunteering to
pick that up, and if in the future it stops being viable we can reassess
(as with all things).
Note that I don't want to put any more burden on Daniel, or anybody, the
message suggested by Dave is good IMHO. I just want to avoid that contributors
have to look by themselves who to contact, and why their contributions is
ignored, and finally be discouraged. If their is a clear and easy to find
message that preferred option is a PR, and an email patch is a possibility but
need to ask for help on standard@, this is fine I guess.