Le mercredi 8 janvier 2025, 12:08:01 heure normale d’Europe centrale Goffi a écrit :
I'm very interested in XEP-0284, and there is this PR from Link Mauve buried for
years to revive it:
I would like to put that on council agenda, but I have the following question:
- are the previous author still unreachable? I'll put their address as recipients of
this email.
- Peter Saint-Andre is still around as the XSF Treasurer. So Peter could you tell us if
you agree with this PR and with Link Mauve taking over the XEP?
- Link Mauve, are you still OK with this PR and being an author of this specification?
If all 3 above give green lights, Daniel would you mind adding this to Coucil agenda?
Thank you all!
Joonas address is failing:
aspmx.l.google.com []
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<joonas@uwc.net>:
550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try
550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. For more information, go to
550 5.1.1
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