Dear all,
I have been asked to respond with statistics about the Twitter usage. I don't think
this is actually matter of the discussion, though here it is:
Post date Ref Reposts Likes Seen Any click action Comments
01.01.2024 XMPP Community 1 1 191 11 0
01.01.2024 XMPP Summit 1 2 151 4 0
04.01.2024 Happy Birthday 4 6 291 20 0
04.01.2024 XMPP Events 3 2 244 3 0
10.01.2024 XMPP SUMMIT 26 3 2 385 19 0
11.01.2024 XSF Announcement 5 5 457 24 0
29.01.2024 XSF Announcement 3 6 408 20 0
26.03.2024 XMPP Newsletter 3 6 222 28 0
15.04.2024 XMPP Newsletter 1 5 169 15 0
27.04.2024 XMPP Community 2 2 157 5 0
28.04.2024 XMPP Community 1 3 171 7 0
11.05.2024 XMPP Newsletter 3 6 214 15 0
11.05.2024 XMPP at GSoC 2 3 163 10 0
11.05.2024 XMPP at GSoC 1 3 181 14 2
11.05.2024 XSF Announcement 2 2 197 11 0
06.06.2024 XMPP Newsletter 0 3 147 15 0
06.06.2024 XMPP Community 2 4 303 10 0
06.07.2024 XMPP Newsletter 4 5 275 16 0
06.08.2024 XMPP Newsletter 0 2 116 14 0
06.08.2024 XMPP Community 1 1 144 7 0
08.08.2024 XSF Announcement 2 1 186 9 0
08.08.2024 XMPP Specifications 3 4 236 13 0
09.08.2024 XMPP Community 2 3 201 7 0
05.09.2024 XMPP Newsletter 1 7 189 22 0
05.09.2024 XMPP Specifications 0 3 150 7 0
02.10.2024 XMPP Newsletter 2 3 101 9 0
04.10.2024 XMPP Specifications 4 5 171 21 0
10.10.2024 XMPP Community 1 6 131 8 0
09.11.2024 XSF Announcement 3 5 139 9 0
09.11.2024 XMPP Newsletter 2 3 135 9 0
09.11.2024 XMPP Specifications 2 7 231 17 0
Trần H. Trung <work(a)> hat am 11.02.2025
01:32 CET geschrieben:
First of all, I would like to thank Eddie for great work done for
the communication team. Even though it is not technical, the effort of
reaching out to the wider audience is as hard as our main work. (I'd
argue that perhaps it's even harder if you're more of a technical
I share the similar opinion as emus. This reminds me that the other day
somebody asked about the possibility to send the same message across
different accounts in `jdev(a)`. Even though my reply was
something like "it is odd for a human to do such thing". We however are
not a single humans and our objective for this particular action is
clear: "we aim to reach out to people."
Follow this objective, if we cherry pick individual platforms for their
political agenda, we are no longer taking the neutral political stand.
Thus on this side of the argument, I would go further than Twitter and
say we should open accounts on all other popular platforms to reach even
a wider audience. My finger is pointing at OnlyFans and alike.
The alternative action to keep a neutral stand as Eddie have mentioned
is if we are going to remove ourselves from Twitter, we should also
remove ourselves from every "social media" platforms that we are on
currently. And instead, we should post our content only through
`` and find other methods to reach out to the wider world if
Either way is fine by me but I disagree removing our Twitter presence
alone if we are going to do this at all.
Trần H. Trung
PGP: 272B C112 E0C1 CA52 2987 8E06 4C2E 262F 6514 7810
On 25/02/10 09:35pm, E.M. wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thank ypu for the input. I have been reading the entire discussion and summarized
> * a majority in this thread advocates to leave the platform for multiple reasons
> * we should not delete the account due to control and archive
> I would like to add that if we leave the platform for political reasons, we will in
my opinion also need to abandon the use of for example LinkedIn, Google Summer of Code,
GitHub and YouTube. I think such a political position does also not allow other certain
> That is not a good step in my opinion.
> In the end I will not take the decision here and make this to at least board or a
member vote.
> Last but not least I also critizise the discussion and tone around this topic. This
got worse in recent years and I am very sick of many people not being able to reflect
their own behavior, their own media consumption while blaming others where they can.
> Cheers,
> Eddie
> 5 feb 2025 14:16:15 Ralph Meijer <ralphm(a)>nu>:
> > On 03/02/2025 17.33, Jonas Schäfer wrote:
> >> On Samstag, 25. Januar 2025 22:07:16 MEZ Goffi wrote:
> >>> I'm not even in favor of maintaining an account as the archive
can't be
> >>> consulted without registration. Instead, any tool to dump the archive
> >>> be used, and we could display it anywhere.
> >> But should we keep it in order to avoid someone else registering the same
> >> and use it for bad purposes?
> >>
> >> I am sure we can't control all places where this is linked as the
> >> Twitter account.
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > In my opinion, removing past posts from X (whether we keep the account or not
to prevent squatting) does not serve a clear purpose. Those who do not want to be there
will not look there. I appreciate that people in our community may have stopped using X
for whatever reason. Individual posts remain available without logging in, but I agree
that not being able to see all of our posts in one view is regrettable.
> >
> > However, I personally remain a user of X as one of many sources of information
and a way to communicate with other users (still) there. Removing past information there
(I guess for any account), including its original context and responses, is a significant
loss to me. I am sure I am not alone in this.
> >
> > I have been surprised and disappointed by the labeling of people using certain
social networks in this thread. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but that does
not mean that others have to agree. If we want to be a truly open organization, this has
to include difference of opinion and choice.
> >
> > Separate from my personal use of X or my private (!) opinion on particular
individuals, I do not think the XSF should take a stance in that debate. Staying there
does not mean that the XSF, its members, or the XMPP community in general, somehow
validates other people's (mis)behavior there. It is not up to the XSF to arbitrate
which platforms are "ok" and which are not.
> >
> > As I said before, if there is utility in letting people in other circles (than
those who want nothing to do with X) know about what we do, then we should continue to
post on X (too). I personally think there is. If none of the current individual Comms team
members want to be part of that, we can figure that out separately. This might also be a
good time to point out that we have not posted to X since 9 November 2024.
> >
> > Just like last week, I will happily discuss my personal opinions over a
beverage. Or something else entirely.
> >
> > --
> > ralphm