let me clarify: The XSF cannot act as an umbrella organisation for other XMPP projects.
But they can and need to sign-up themselves. It's a bit confusing to me and I
don't get it completely, too.
I also don't see this as reason to not work with Outreachy. The XSF can still support
smaller XMPP entities in general with the process and organisation.
And, we can still run and do general XMPP Community supporting or XSF supporting projects.
As said, the projects don't need to have software development nature.
1 may 2024 14:50:48 Stephen Paul Weber <singpolyma(a)singpolyma.net>et>:
as I wrote we
respectively we as XMPP community or "XMPP project" were not elidgible to
participate in the recent Outreachy program round.
- Every project, so every XMPP project needs to sign-up as community on their own.
- That also means each project needs to acquire the $8,000 funding. There
is no umbrella organsiation possible.
This was my understanding as well, so as XSF there is no more reason to do anything with