Dear all,
Due to the abscense of participants and sufficient engagement I have decided not to apply
for this year.
If you are interested in the future, please read our page from last year and consider
preparing with your project community.
Please also join the relevant group chat and mailing list.
Kind regards,
3 feb 2025 18:10:11 E.M. <emus(a)>rg>:
Dear all,
a kind reminder to reach out as soon as possible if you want to participate with your
XMPP project at the Google Summer of Code 2025.
If we do not have a good list of ideas, we won't apply unfortunately.
Best regards,
30 ene 2025 16:46:29 E.M. <emus(a)>rg>:
> Dear all,
> the XSF will planning to apply this year again for the GSoC 2025.
> If we will be accepted as an umbrella organisation, that acts as
supervising/reference organisation for your XMPP projects we recommend to act quickly and
start preparing your project if you want to participate with your project. This means
> - Read the guidelines:
> - Read the setup and what you need to provide for last year:
> - Collect feasible ideas for newcomers (!) (they unlikely will implement A/V or MUC,
not even close)
> - Promote and search for potential contributors (even if you are not participating
you can help)
> Remember that this is not just a great opportunity for your project and project
community. It's also a good chance for XMPP as a whole network, ecosystem as well as
inspiring people around open-source development.
> If you want to help me organising and promoting for this you are also very welcome!
> I'm general, reach out to me by next week if you have interest and can think of
ideas. The earlier the better.
> If I don't hear back, I will not consider to apply this year.
> (Remember that the XSF has not yet been approved to participate in GSoC 2025.)
> Kind regards,
> Eddie
> ___________________________
> XSF Org Admin, GSoC 2025