I was wondering if (parts) of the IoT XMPP specifications and / or components that are used within the specification are already implemented as open source or otherwise?
I'm particularly interested if there is some sort of a reference implementation of a "Thing Register".
Best regards,
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I'm currently investigating options to implement something similar as the IoT registry that is described in XEP-0347 but I have some different requirements that I would like to share as they might help to improve this XEP.
I would like to allowing more complex searches in the registry. For example I would like to be able to do spatial searches:
- give me 10 temperature sensors closest to a given location.
- give me all light-switches in a range of hundred meters around a given location.
Following the current XEP I cannot ask such queries directly but should fire multiple queries and do all calculation in the client.
Also I would like to do union searches so I do not have to calculate intersections myself:
- give me all light-switches or light-dimmers closest to a given location.
As these type of queries are more complex and not all registry servers might have implemented such a feature I would like to add the possibility to discover registry capabilities. This kind of discovery can be done using entity capability (XEP-0115).
Also the current description XEP-0347 allows only meta-data that consist of numbers and strings but I would like to be able to have more options (including location). Maybe we can reuse the stuff that is in XEP-0004 data-forms (https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0004.html#protocol-fieldtypes) and add XEP-0350 (data forms geolocation element).
This would allow more semantical reasoning on the meta-data of a thing (like the example queries above).
What do you think?
Best regards,
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Gentle reminder.
Special Session on Internet of Things (InThings 2014)
CAMAD 2014
19th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and
Design of Communication Links and Networks
December 1-3, 2014, Athens, Greece
Call for Papers
The Internet of Things vision is becoming reality: objects in different
environments such as industrial automation, manufacturing floors, energy
grids, healthcare, transportation systems, home appliances and small
sensors build up intelligent networks that can potentially change the way
we live and work. Such networks use existing Internet standards to provide
new services based on massive amount of collected data and pervasive
The purpose of this special technical session is to gather ideas and
practices from Industry and academia that are involved in the developments
of IoT new technologies and systems.
In this perspective the topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
* IoT for Industrial Automation and Energy management
* Security and Privacy
* Smart Objects
* Context awareness
* Middleware and services for IoT
* Experiments on small to large scale real and simulated IoT deployments
* Simulation of IoT objects and deployments
* Protocols and Services for smart object
* Data analysis, mining and management in IoT
High impact original research papers will be selected on the basis of
novelty and technical merit, through an anonymous reviewing process (at
least 3 independent reviews per paper).
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference
proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Important Dates
* Paper submission: August 23, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2014
* Submission of camera-ready papers: October 15, 2014
Session Chair
Domenico Ficara, Cisco Systems, Switzerland
Authors instructions
Submit a paper of not more than 5 IEEE-style pages in PDF format including
results, figures and references to the IOT special session. The EDAS
website will be used for the submission. The paper will declare the
keywords and fall into the above topics of interests.
Best Regards
Domenico Ficara, PhD
Cisco Systems, Switzerland
I would be interested to speak at CAMAD 2014 on our IoT XEPs which are referenced in ISO/IEC/IEEE P21451-1-4 draft The 1st Semantic Web 3.0 Standard for the Internet of Things (loT). http://www.sensei-iot.org
W.J.Miller, p21451-1-4, Chairman
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Special Session on Internet of Things (InThings 2014)
CAMAD 2014
19th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and
Design of Communication Links and Networks
December 1-3, 2014, Athens, Greece
Call for Papers
The Internet of Things vision is becoming reality: objects in different
environments such as industrial automation, manufacturing floors, energy
grids, healthcare, transportation systems, home appliances and small
sensors build up intelligent networks that can potentially change the way
we live and work. Such networks use existing Internet standards to provide
new services based on massive amount of collected data and pervasive
The purpose of this special technical session is to gather ideas and
practices from Industry and academia that are involved in the developments
of IoT new technologies and systems.
In this perspective the topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
* IoT for Industrial Automation and Energy management
* Security and Privacy
* Smart Objects
* Context awareness
* Middleware and services for IoT
* Experiments on small to large scale real and simulated IoT deployments
* Simulation of IoT objects and deployments
* Protocols and Services for smart object
* Data analysis, mining and management in IoT
High impact original research papers will be selected on the basis of
novelty and technical merit, through an anonymous reviewing process (at
least 3 independent reviews per paper).
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference
proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Important Dates
* Paper submission: August 23, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2014
* Submission of camera-ready papers: October 15, 2014
Session Chair
Domenico Ficara, Cisco Systems, Switzerland
Authors instructions
Submit a paper of not more than 5 IEEE-style pages in PDF format including
results, figures and references to the IOT special session. The EDAS
website will be used for the submission. The paper will declare the
keywords and fall into the above topics of interests.
Best Regards
Domenico Ficara, PhD
Cisco Systems, Switzerland
Sustainable Innovation är ett centrum och en mötesplats för energi-effektivisering och hållbarhet. Vi driver stora demonstrationsprojekt, uppmuntrar innovationer och nyföretagande, bedriver informations-spridning och kunskapsutveckling. Mer info på www.sust.se
** Har du idéer kring individuell mätning och debitering av vatten?
Datum: 7 maj
Tid: 9.00-12.00
Plats: Barnhusgatan 3
Anmäl dig till Joachim.lindborg(a)sust.se (mailto:joachim.lindborg@sust.se?subject=Jag%20vill%20vara%20med%20p%C3%A5%20workshopen%20om%20vattenm%C3%A4tning&body=Hej%20jag%20anm%C3%A4ler%20mig%20till%20workshopen%20den%207e%20maj%20)
Då vet du också att det är en växande företeelse som inte riktigt fått genomslag ännu. Framförallt saknas en ekonomiskt gångbar och samtidigt säker teknik att använda i befintliga fastigheter.
Detta vill vi drastiskt ändra på.
Under 2014 kommer vi på Sustainable Innovation genomföra en nytänkande innovationstävling för att hitta en lösning som skulle kunna påverka hela den globala marknaden inom området. Att lösa montage och mätning skulle påverka såväl miljön som den enskilde boendes ekonomi positivt. Men för att tävlingen ska ge ett bra utslag så behöver vi din hjälp.
Välkommen till Sustainable Innovation, Barnhusgatan 3 den 7 maj 2014 kl 09 - 12 på en kreativ workshop där vi tillsammans går igenom existerande tekniker, aktörer, problemområdet i stort, lagar och regler samt ansvar.
Syftet är att hitta ett underlag för tävlingen där det blir tydligt vem eller vilka vi ska vända oss till för att få goda tävlingsbidrag, hur tävlingen bäst bör beskrivas. Vi vill inte låsa fast oss i befintliga tekniker eller lösningar utan målet är att tävlingen skulle kunna gå utanför befintliga ramar.
Varmt välkommen!
Sustainable Innovation AB, ** Barnhusgatan 3 (https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Barnhusgatan+3,+Stockholm,+Sverige&hl=sv&ie=…)
, 111 23 Stockholm, info(a)sust.se, ** www.sust.se (http://www.sust.se)
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9 the of april tomorrow we will have the first full day XMPP IoT session
with 100 attendees connecting equipment and doing some team challenges and
te aim is to create knowledge and attention on the XMPP IoT and the
possibilities it can bring.
The global IoT day http://iotday.org is run for the forth year in a row.
If any of you all are in a meetup or just would like to say hello to us
join the webinar and we make you a presenter and have a local greeting to
your site.
Join us remotely on the webinar
Our global schedule is here:
more info on the day in Stockholm
We will also be part of the demo session 2 on the live feed
Thank you for your attention
Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect
Sustainable Innovation SUST.se
Barnhusgatan 3 111 23 Stockholm
Email: Joachim.lindborg(a)sust.se
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joachimlindborg
Tel +46 706-442270
forward to the IoT list
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joachim Lindborg <joachim.lindborg(a)sust.se>
Date: 2014-03-10 1:37 GMT+01:00
Subject: XMPP IoT and the Global Iot day event on 9th of April
To: XSF Members <members(a)xmpp.org>
Hi all !
on the 9th of April the http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/ has its 4th
I have started an event for us in Stockholm that has IoT interests
We will have an XMPPIoT interop session trying to connect to other XMPP
based IoT devices around the world so anyone of you that has something
working or is at least somewhat compatible to the latest XMPP-IoT specs
(The editor team will soon update the xmpp.org with the latest)
Throw me an email and we will coordinate some tests.
Wy not join in and create your own IoT event on the 9th ?
Joachim Lindborg
CTO, systems architect
Sustainable Innovation SUST.se
Barnhusgatan 3 111 23 Stockholm
Email: Joachim.lindborg(a)sust.se
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joachimlindborg
Tel +46 706-442270